3 Must-See General Hospital Moments – Week of March 17, 2025

Valentin Cassadine makes a critical mistake, which could have major consequences. Meanwhile, Carly Spencer finds

herself in a dangerous situation at Jack Brennan’s hotel room. She appears to be at risk of poisoning, but Brennan

unexpectedly intervenes, possibly saving her just in time.

Valentin also offers some crucial information, which could involve Brennan’s recruitment of Josslyn Jacks. His motive might be to trade valuable intel for his chance to return to Port Charles without being a fugitive.

Trina Robinson experiences a change of heart. After receiving a meaningful book as a gift—one she had already gotten from Spencer Cassadine—she initially seeks solitude. However, she later decides to reach out to Kai Taylor, signaling a shift in her emotions.

Weekly General Hospital Spoilers for Mar 17-21,2025: Misgivings, Mortification, and a Miscalculation

Drew Cain Quartermaine gains an important ally. This could be Jenz Sidwell, who has already been in discussions with a congressman, or possibly someone else. Meanwhile, there’s speculation about whether Nina Reeves might be pretending to support Drew and Willow’s relationship, or if she has her own agenda.

Finally, Portia Robinson faces mounting pressure as secrets from her past come under threat of exposure. The fallout from Drew’s blackmail could bring unexpected consequences.

Which of these storylines are you most excited to follow