Matt Roloff Hospitalized After Routine Appointment Takes A Turn

Scary Little People, Big World broke late last night when TLC patriarch Matt Roloff took to Instagram to reveal he had been hospitalized after what should have been a routine doctor’s appointment took a nasty turn. Sharing a concerning photo of himself from a hospital bed, the TLC star explained why it had been about a week since his last update on social media. Turns out, the LPBW star had a “rough week” after a doctor’s appointment didn’t go as intended.

Is Matt Roloff still in the hospital? What happened during this appointment? Keep reading for the full story.

Matt Roloff Hospitalized After Routine Appointment Takes A Turn

Pretty late last night, Matt Roloff of TLC’s Little People, Big World startled his 788K Instagram followers when he shared a photo of himself in a hospital bed. He explained that he went to the doctor about a week ago for what should have been a super “routine upper endoscopy” to get his esophagus checked out.

Unfortunately, the examination ended up not going the way it should have and the doctors discovered something was wrong.

Matt Roloff- TLC
Matt Roloff- TLC

He continued to explain: “Turns out I have some unexpected twists n turns leading down to the stomach.”

Now, Matt Roloff took comfort in the fact that these complications didn’t mean he needed to have some sort of monitor hooked up. Unfortunately, it did come with a bit of bad news as he learned he would need to have some work done to correct the issues in his digestive system that his doctors discovered.

As fans know, Matt Roloff takes pride in being such a hard worker. So, it was also a bit of a gut punch for the TLC star when he learned he was being put on bed rest and would need to relax for a few days.

He’s Returning To Work Today

Matt Roloff concluded his post by noting he was “back in action” as of today. Unfortunately, more medical work was on the horizon for him.

Here’s a screenshot of what he posted with the photo of himself in a hospital bed attached:

Matt Roloff - Instagram
Matt Roloff – Instagram

Did your heart drop when you saw the Instagram post featuring Matt Roloff in a hospital bed? Were you relieved when you learned he was well enough to make this post himself? Share your thoughts with us in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more TLC news.