LPBW kid Josiah Roloff is at the adorable age where he can almost walk, and he devotes time to stalking his dad, Zach. Always keeping an eye out for his father, the adorable child really tweaked his mom’s heart recently. Tori Roloff took to her social media to share a very cute moment. Then she set it to the perfect music.
LPBW Kid Josiah Roloff Always Wants His Dad, Zach
When Jackson Roloff was the same age as Josiah, he was all eyes for his grandfather, Matt. That’s because Matt would often take him riding on his big red mule. Of course, those happier days ended when Zach and his wife fell out with his father and relocated to Washington. These days, Jackson still gets to be a little farmer, but he does it with his dad instead of with his grandfather. Often, the footage shows him out on the new property, swaggering around as if he’s the foreman in charge of development.

Josiah Roloff can’t walk yet, so the LPBW baby has to rely on his mom to move him around. Despite being able to push a balancing table around for months now, Josiah hasn’t yet gotten the courage to walk by himself. Oh, he’ll pull himself up and stand solidly on his little feet. But for some reason, he didn’t get the connection between that and setting off walking. Sometimes, he’ll sit down, look for his father, and yells his lungs out for Zach to come over.
Adorable Josiah Roloff Stalks His Dad
Recently, Tori took to her Instagram and posted a charming video of her son standing looking out into the distance. The Little People, Big World kid leaned on the glass door, and outside, she tagged her husband who was busy with the heavy machinery. Like his dad, Matt, Zach loves working on big projects on the property.
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To make Josuah Roloff’s clip even more special, Tori set the video to the country music of Rodney Atkins and added the words, “We got cowboy boots and camo pants …” It’s that gorgeous song where a kid is watching his dad, and thinking “I want to do everything you do…so I’ve been watching you.” Actually, it seemed like the perfect song for Tori’s youngest boy who clearly wanted to join his dad outside.
One Day Soon The TLC Kid Will Be Able To Be With His Dad
One day soon, Josiah Rolof will discover that his legs can take him places he hasn’t dreamed of yet. When he does, his mom and dad will have to be extra vigilant and keep an eye out for him. Big machinery and toddlers really don’t mix together very well.