Chris Marek Bonds With Jackson Over New Family Member?

In the upcoming Little People, Big World Season 23 finale, Chris Marek bonds with Jackson Roloff. It looks like Chris, Amy Roloff’s husband is trying to create a great relationship with her grandson. So, what are Jackson and Chris bonding over?

Though Amy and Chris only got married in August 2021, he’s had a chance to get to know her grandchildren over the past few years. He sometimes gets the opportunity to hang out with Jackson, Ember, Lilah, Bode, Radley, Mateo, and Josiah and make special memories.

Now, however, Chris Marek is trying a little bit harder to become buddies with Jackson. And in the preview for the finale episode, it looks like he might have found the perfect way to make that happen.

Chris Marek, Jackson Roloff, Instagram

Chris Marek creates a special bond with Jackson Roloff.

In a new preview from Hollywood Life, Chris Marek goes the extra mile to bond with Jackson Roloff. In the clip, Tori and Zach Roloff take Lilah and Jackson to Amy and Chris’s home.

Chris explains, “I’ve been trying to find a way to connect with Jackson. He’s just such a good kid.”

Though Chris Marek has Amy’s grandkids in his life now, he hasn’t always spent a lot of time around children. He admits, “I don’t know how to really relate to small kids that can’t really even speak or communicate their thoughts.”

Then, he adds that he found a “fun way” to connect with Jackson.

Chris Marek and Amy Roloff

When Jackson and his family arrive at Chris and Amy’s home, Chris shares the special news. He shows Jackson the fish tank and frog he’s purchased. Jackson gets to enjoy these fun pets when he visits Chris and Amy.

LPBW star Chris says, “We got this little guy for you that you can keep here.”

Part of this deal is that Jackson gets to name the critters. He chooses the name Jet for the frog. This is the name he uses for any frogs he finds while playing outside. So, it makes sense for this new family member, too.

Finally, Zach Roloff shows his appreciation for Chris Marek’s gesture. Zach opens up and says, “It was really nice of Chris to get the frogs for Jackson to name. He’s totally okay with the grandkids and my mom being a grandma and their house becoming the grandkids’ house.”