‘Little People Big World’: Tori Roloff Feels ‘Giant,’ Ready For Baby No. 3

Little People Big World star Tori Roloff is feeling “giant” right now in the midst of her pregnancy with baby No. 3. With the baby set to be born in the spring, the TLC reality star says she is uncomfortable and ready to give birth.

Little People Big World star Tori Roloff feels ‘giant’

Most moms in the world will surely be able to relate to the stage of pregnancy that Tori Roloff is currently going through. She is at that stage where it is difficult to get comfortable and, no doubt, the baby is kicking in the most uncomfortable spot too.

Little People Big World star Tori Roloff
[Image @zroloff07/Instagram]

In fact, the Little People Big World star spoke about it in a recent Instagram Story. She said she is feeling uncomfortable with her size during the final stretch of her third pregnancy. Meanwhile, she added that she feels “giant” as she waits for the birth of baby No. 3.

Tori compares her bump with other moms

In Tuesday’s Instagram Story Tori, 30, noted that she will see some other girl’s online post about how big they are. She says to herself, “Oh my gosh, we’re the same size,” and feel less huge. However, she added that when she reads the rest of her caption, she finds out that the woman is pregnant with twins. Ouch, that has to smart!

LPBW Zach, Tori, Jackson and Lilah
LPBW Zach, Tori, Jackson and Lilah [Image TLC UK/YouTube]

Meanwhile, one of Tori’s other pregnancy problems during her third pregnancy is the fact that her maternity clothes “don’t even fit anymore.” However, while she might be having problems with her huge baby bump, she receives loads of support from her husband, Zach.

Little People Big World fans will remember that Tori and Zach shared the news of their third pregnancy in November 2021, shortly after they relocated from Portland, Oregon to Washington. Meanwhile, the third baby will join his or her’s big brother, Jackson, 4, and big sister, Lilah, 2.

Tori Roloff is open about her pregnancy experiences

During all her pregnancies, Tori has always been open about the challenges she has faced. She even made a social media post about her tragic miscarriage in March 2021. In that post, she wrote that “miscarriage truly steals your joy.”

Meanwhile, due to that, she said she has found it so difficult to get excited about the current pregnancy. However, they have seen the baby several times and have heard his or her heartbeat and it’s strong. Tori said she was feeling the baby move consistently and that has helped her to relax. Looking at this Instagram Story, soaking in the tub obviously helps too!

Tori Roloff